Daily Dose Of Empowering Blog Archives

Here you will find your daily dose of no nonsense advice in our empowering Blog Archives.

So if you missed any of our daily postings ---- this is the place to find them-starting with August 16, 2009.

Don't forget that included in our July daily Blogs is our 5 Step Action Plan on how to achieve your goals.

We hope to keep you inspired & empowered as we give you a cupful of encouragement with our daily Blog.

We offer straight forward-down-to-earth-no-nonsense advice.

In addition, we recommend books & other materials which we believe will help you stay empowered --- and will help you to reach your goals.

As usual, our Blogs aim to keep things simple, so that you can implement these empowering steps very quickly.

We also seek to keep you inform on important topics that affect you & your family.

As always, this Blog is about you --- so remember to keep your feedback, questions, and suggested topics coming in¡ªthis way everyone benefits.

Use our handy contact form

August 16, 2009

Rest, You Get To Pick

Welcome back,

Yesterday we discussed "action & empowerment". Today we'll talk a little about rest.

Now if you talk to twenty people, you will probably get twenty different answers as to what rest means to them.

So as usual we will keep it simple. Rest means doing something that is enjoyable & gives you peace.

Therefore, it may mean reading a good book, seeing a good movie, going for a nice walk,

talking with someone you enjoy being with or of course taking a nap.

Whatever it is that gives you rest make sure that you include it often in your life.

Your mind & body need time to readjust, re-energize, to de-stress from the everyday nuances of life.

Rest will help you to concentrate better, work more productively, and make you a lot more fun to be around.

Laughter Movie

Rest, smile & laugh a lot today, tomorrow we continue our journey.

Remember you can't please everybody ---- but here goes--enjoy.

Hope you are rested or at least you got a good workout ---- stay empowered.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


PS. Do whatever gives you rest & pleasure-- fishing, exercising, reading, shopping, take your pick


August 17, 2009

Action Is More Than A Word

Welcome back,

Are your rested? Yes? --- Good. No? Next time make it so.

For the last couple of days we have been talking about taking action

Let's repeat some of the results that taking action will produce.

1. Taking action directly addresses your procrastination.

2. Taking action will help you overcome your fear.

3. Taking action will push you in the direction of your goal.

4. Taking action creates momentum, which in turn builds your confidence & empowers you.

5. Taking action is a must do step thru- out your journey.

Note - < Good things need repeating, until they become good habits.

Before you take your action --- fill your mind with positive influences ---

[good books, good music, good movies, good friends]

and make sure you action is taking you in the right direction.

Question ---- What are you doing to empower yourself? Still in the thinking stage?

It is time to move.

Do not reinvent the wheel ---- learn from what others have done.

Think about what we have discussed today --------- But more importantly act --- take some action.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


Work your body

Work your mind.

Make sure your finances work for you.


August 18, 2009

Action, What Is Holding you Back?

Welcome back,

Let's continue our discussion on actionand some barriers that you may need to overcome.


I want you to write this down & put it in a place where you will see it often.

Why? The empowering steps that you are taking need to sink down into your subconscious until they become automatic for you.

And remember this same law applies to your employees, your team, your roommates, and your family.

Good (empowering) habits must replace bad (negative) habits.

Pay really close attention to:

1. Your thought process --- is it positive or is it negative? [What types of questions linger in your mind?]

2. Your words --- what type of words are you using? Positive or negative?

3. Your actions ------ what you doing? ---- Reacting or taking action that is moving you towards your goal?

What you hope to accomplish by this self-examination is to get a true picture of where you are ---- where you are going.

You have to work on those bad habits that keep coming back to sabotage your progress.

Because if you are not aware of these bad habits, almost any action you take will be diminished or worst be counter to your goals.

Please stop & think about this for a moment.

I have a great short video that talks about change.

It was created for people who oversee other people or teams within an organization,

but the lessons taught apply to anyone that wants to change their life and wants to take constructive action.


Remember the importance of the total package --- your thoughts, your words, your actions,

how together they work to either push you forward, or hold you back.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


Food for thought


August 19, 2009

Action Requires Movement

Welcome back,

I have said it before, and I will say it again. Good things need to be repeated.

Action requires more than thinking; it requires movement.

There are those of us who are always about to live.

We are waiting until things change,

until there is more time, until we are less tired,

until we get a promotion, until we settle down

-- until, until, until.

It always seems as if there is some major event

that must occur in our lives before we begin living.

quote by George Sheehan

There it is in a nutshell. Are you still thinking?

Trying to get everything just right?

Or is it procrastination?

If you have been following my Blogs, you will know by now that I have been recommending small steps to get you started.

Baby steps, if you will.

This way you gradually overcome your fears.

Small action steps build up your confidence[empower you] and provide small measures of success as you move forward.

BUT You will note that I always ask you to keep walking.

It is important to keep the momentum going in a positive direction.

One other word, when you head out on a journey make sure you prepare your self with the right tools & equipment.

If you can not buy your own books, use the library BUT get your books.

Half-Stepping just slows you down.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


Another Dose Of Empowering Blogs


August 20, 2009

Something To Think About

Welcome back,

Well it is another beautiful morning here in Central Florida. And how is your morning?

Hint It can be anything you want it to be. You decide.

On that note I am going to do something a little different this morning.

I recently read a short story in one of our local newspapers, that I want to share with all of you today.

After you read the story please return here ----- let me know what you think & feel.

I want to hear from more of you, I want feedback on the topics we have covered & on You

Tell me what you think & what you would like to hear more about on this Blog & website.

Tell your story --- Give us your opinion

Ok on to the story----- it is a simple story with a powerful message.view story here

The quality of a person's life

is in direct proportion to their commitment

to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

quote by Vince Lombardi

What are you committed to?

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


You read the story already? Good, now please give us your feedback.

Tell your story --- Give us your opinion


August 21,2009

Choose Your Path

Welcome back,

The sun is shining, no clouds in sight, but no matter the weather I choose how I feel.

Hope that by now you understand the tremendous impact that your point of view has on your life.

You control your state of being ---- please go back and re-read our blog archives if you need any clarification on what I am speaking of.

And how you feel or your state of being pretty much determines what you will do or what action you will take.

Note I continue to repeat these things because they are all connected. It is like the "domino effect" --- one item will cause another to react.

So no matter your surrounding, no matter the natural elements in which you find your self in,

no matter the financial condition of your life ----- you get to choose how you see it & how you react to it. Are you using them to empower yourself?

Stop here a moment. No one said this would be easy.

However, change only comes about when you decide it is time to change and take deliberate action towards that goal.

Therefore, it is not the situation {or circumstances you are in} that determines your outcome --------- but rather your determination to change it.

Your determination is shaped by

1. Your viewpoint {focus}

2. Your decision to make a change

3. Your action{s} to accomplish that change

See, each step affects the other and ultimately affects your outcome.

Are you taking empowering steps?

Let us revisit the parable of the pencil:

Your homework for this weekend is to take a good honest look at yourself and decide if you are doing all you should be doing to change your situation[taking empowering action].

Then decide what you will do about it & take action towards that end

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


Get your tools here

Keep your credit healthy

Have some fun


August 22, 2009

The Power of Words

Welcome back,

For the next couple of days I want to discuss with you the power of words.

It seems simply enough, and yet words can cause us: pain, anguish, anger, pleasure, peace, happiness, they can empower us or deflate us.

In other words, their effect covers the whole spectrum of human emotions.

As you work on your self-improvement insure that you keep this lesson at the forefront of you list ---

--- the power of words is in your hands, use it wisely.

OK then, let us start with you & how your words affect you.

Words come in two (2) forms ---- they can either be thoughts or they can be spoken.

Let's talk about the first; Your thoughts.

This is where it all beings, and it happens so quickly that often we find our mind racing with a certain scenario --- until we put the brakes on.

This is especially true when we get angry ---- your mind will start processing different "what if scenarios."

You will notice that your whole being is pulled into this process,

your pulse will quicken, your body will get tense, your speech will usually quicken,

in other words you are experiencing your thoughts are if they were actually happening. Now ask yourself -- Are they empowering you or not?

I did not say as if your thoughts are real because for your body ----- they are real

Note -- You now can understand the power that words (in whatever state they are) can have on you & if spoken on others.

They can either empower you & others or have the opposite effect.

1. Lesson one ------ control what goes in & out of your mind.

2. Lesson Two ----- control what comes out of your mouth

Today we will concentrate on Lesson #1.

This is a very large lesson to absorb and more importantly it is hard to practice.

It takes a lot of work and patience to do this.

A person's thoughts have a way of just taking off on their own -

- your job from now on is to immediately stop the run-away

process & decide what goes in & come out of your mind.

So what are you feeding your mind What do you read? What do you watch? What do you listen to?

What do you see when you look around your daily surroundings?

In your Home? At your job? In your car?

Make a really good assessment, because what happens is that you become so used to seeing or hearing things that you no longer pay attention -----

---- and yet those very things are there going into your sub-conscious mind ---- feeding it.

Think about what we have discussed today, because once you understand how your environment affects your life, you will be better prepared to change it & empower yourself.

We will continue with more on this topic tomorrow.

Something else to think about.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


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