Empowering Blog Archives For September 23-30, 2009

Our empowering Blog Archives is the place to look back and reread our past discussions and to make sure you didn't miss anything.

So if you missed any of our daily blogs ---- this is the place to find them-starting with September 23-30, 2009.

Don't forget that included in our July daily Blogs is our 5 Step Action Plan on how to achieve your goals.

We hope to keep you inspired & motivated and informed, as we give you a cupful of empowerment with our daily Blog.

We offer straight forward - down - to - earth - no - nonsense, easy to follow advice that will empower you.

In addition, we recommend books & other materials which we believe will help you stay empowered --- and will help you to reach your goals.

As usual, our Blogs aim to keep things simple, so that you can implement these empowering steps very quickly.

We also seek to keep you inform on important topics that affect you & your family.

As always, this Blog is about you --- so remember to keep your feedback, questions, and suggested topics coming in, this way everyone benefits.

Use our handy Tell Your Storycontact form

Lastly, please remember that our empowering and motivating blogs are useless unless you take hold of your empowerment and then take decisive action towards you goals.

September 23,2009

The Power Of Words That Are Spoken

Let's continue with our discussion on the power of words.

Yesterday we discussed the power of words & your subconscious mind, today we will discuss the power of words that are spoken.

Ever wish you could take back something you said to someone else? Let's stop here for a moment and think about this.

Very often without realizing it you do the exact same thing to yourself

How? By what you say to yourself and the choice of words you use to express yourself.

For example how often do you use the following phrases: I can't, I'll never be able to, I just don't know, why me, I'm so dumb, I wish I could but, I'm too busy, [these are all "limiting beliefs"]

Today I want you to focus not on how your words impact others, but rather how they impact you.

You need to understand how your thinking & the power of your spoken words work together to either move you forward(empower you), or hold you back.

Have you been paying attention to what you think & what you say?

Note Here is an exercise you can try that will help you in your self analysis.

Choose two people {one achiever & one who is not} listen very carefully to what they say and how they say it.

Listen for phrases such as: my goal is, I foresee, I know that, I believe that, and for the opposite phrases, I can't because, I don't know, I wish, I'm tired.

Listen to their tone of voice, to their energy level, to their choice of words.

Once you have done the exercise, stop, look and listen to yourself.

Make sure you are just as critical with yourself as your were with the other two people.

Your goal is to become aware of what needs improvement in you.

Note This exercise is a very important step in your journey to self-improvement because it helps you to understand the tremendous power of words and the impact they have on your life.

Let's feed (empower) your mind with something good --- click below.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big




September 24, 2009

Empower Yourself, Take Control Of Your Words

By taking control of your words, you empower yourself to succeed.

Note Remember, good things need repeating. Just like professional athletes, we will continue to repeat these lessons until they become second natural. (practice makes perfect)

Yesterday I asked you to do an observation & listening exercise.

The purpose of the exercise was to heighten your awareness of your thinking process & your choice of words.

So what did you learn?[If you didn't do the exercise, please go back to yesterday's Blog & do the homework.

It really is important that you know yourself]

Again, the purpose of the lesson is for you to pay attention to what goes on in your mind & what comes out in the form of words.


He who knows others is learned;

He who knows himself is wise.

Quote by Lao-tzu

Note Remember that your thoughts & words have power.

As usual we will keep this simple.

Another Note If you are new to this Blog, I suggest that you go back and read the Blog Archives so you can benefit from the prior lessons that we have covered.

What observations did you make on the two persons you chose to compare?

Did they use the same vocabulary? What was the difference?

What topic did they spend time talking about? Were they enthusiastic or complaining?

What about you? How did you compare/contrast to the other two people?

What did you learn about yourself This is the most important question.{Are you using words to empower yourself?}

I hope that this little exercise has given you a better and clearer understanding of who you are, and what you say.

Now that you know what needs to change in you, take the steps to change.

Let me repeat ---- If you continue to do the same things you did before, you will continue to get the same results.

What does it take? Watch & listen

Stop waiting on someone else to change. Take that first step

Keep working to change those things that are holding you back, one step at a time.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big



September 25, 2009

Your Written Words, What they Reveal

For the last few days we have been discussing the power of words.

We have previously discussed your thought process and the impact it can have on your actions.

We have talked about what you feed your mind, and concluded that what goes in will affect your thoughts and ultimately your course of action.

There is another expression of your thoughts --- the written word. If you keep a written journal, or write a lot of letters or emails, I want you to take a look at what you have written.

Let's look closely at your written words, for they will reveal what you really think.

Look at the words you chose, the phrases, the tone of your writing.

Analyze it based on what we have discussed over the last few days. Were they empowering words or not?

As I mentioned earlier, your written words are another expression of your thoughts.

Thus they give you a good sense of where you are & where you are headed. If you don't keep a journal perhaps now would be a good time to start.

Note Let's repeat, the reason for this analysis is to determine what you are doing subconsciously.

You may have some bad old habits that are holding you back. First you identify the bad habit, then you change it.

Ultimately, you want to reinforce all the positive steps you are taking to reach your goal.

Writing your thoughts down is another way of using all your senses to empower you.

It is also a way of measuring how much progress you have made towards your goal.

Note Remember your goals must be measurable.Something else you can do ------ try to break down your goals into smaller sub-goals.

This will make reaching your goal more manageable, and you will get a boost every time you reach a sub-goal.

Let's repeat Use all your senses in this makeover.

1. Get your empowering book to read.

2. Get your empowering poster/picture/photo for your wall.

3. Listen to empowering music, radio, tapes, MP3.

4. Watch empowering videos, movies.

5. Take empowering walks, smell the trees, roses, ocean.

6. Keeping empowering company.

7. Surround yourself in an empowering environment. [your car, home, employment area]

8. Control what goes in & comes out of your mind.

It is in your hands ---- you determine what to do.

Note This is doable.

The Main thing is to become more aware of the words you use to express yourself. Your words have power to help you or hurt you.

Remember the analogy of the professional athletes; they will practice & practice & practice until they can break the old bad habits that are preventing them from reaching their goal.

You decide what you want to believe and your belief will become your reality.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


Put the written word on your wall control your environment.

September 26, 2009


We covered a lot of material this past week, but don't even think of quitting. One step at a time will get you to your goal.

Relax and think about what we discussed, then continue forward.

I want you to take the time this weekend to go over the exercises I recommended. Taking these small steps will insure that you are heading in the right direction[empowering yourself].

Many before you have struggled with the same issues as you.

A little more encouragement for you


The Don't Quit Poem

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit

Rest if you must, but don¡®t you quit.

Life is odd with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a person turns about

When they might have won had they stuck it out.

Don't give up though the pace seems slow

You may succeed with another blow.

Often the struggler has given up

When he might have captured the victor's cup;

And he learned too late when the night came down,

How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,

It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.


One last thing -- You Have To Believe

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big



September 27, 2009

Using All Your Senses To Reach Your Goals

Last week we covered a lot of material concerning the power of words. We concluded that you have the power to control your words and thus control their power.

So how are you doing? We want to know Tell us your story Your questions, your comments, your point of view may help someone else.

This week we move on to a new topic on your journey to success; the art of using all your senses to reach your goals[or to empower yourself].

Note Good things need to be repeated.

Involve all your senses as you head towards your goals.

One of our strongest senses is our sense of smell. A smell can instantly transport us back to a past experience, whether it was good or not so good.

What I am suggesting is that you associate your goal with a smell that will remind you of your goal. As usual, we will keep things simple.

Let's use some examples:

1. Use your favorite morning beverage ¨C coffee, tea, juice, etc, when you drink it stop for a moment & smell it while visualizing your goal.

Continue to do this until you automatically visualize your goal when you have that beverage.

2. Are you a person who likes to walk? When you walk take in the aromas of your surroundings ¨C the trees, the water, the flowers & again visualize your goals as you are doing this.

3. Take your written goals and spray them with your favorite perfume, body wash, power etc. Read them as you intake the fragrance.

Are you with me? Good . Now I realize some people may think this is silly or worse, that it is a waste of time.

Don't let the nay-sayers stop you from doing everything you can do to reach your goal.

Your mindset has to be that you will do what it takes to accomplish your goals.

You see once you start putting your goals at the forefront of your thoughts, your mind will show you possibilities that you never imagined before.

Please pay close attention at what I am going to share with You.

Get some quiet time & study what you are about to receive.

It's that important.

Finished viewing the video? Good, get a snack & view it again. Remember-good things to be repeated.

Please think about the lessons we discussed today, then put them into action. The steps you take are your building blocks, creating a strong foundation for your growth.

One of the basic building blocks of our teaching methodology is that good things need to be repeated, thus we contain to reinforce these basic principles until they become second nature to you. [use what you learn to empower yourself and move towards your goal]

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big




September 28,2009

Use All Your Senses To Reach Your Goal

Over the last few days we cover a lot of material concerning the power of words.

We concluded that you have the power to control your words and thus control their power.

So how are you doing? We want to know Tell us you story

Your questions, your comments, your point of view may help someone else. Remember to give back to others, so that they too can empower themselves.

Note Good things need to be repeated. Involve all your senses as you head towards your goals.

One of our strongest senses is our sense of smell. A smell can instantly transport us back to a past experience ¨C both -- good and not so good

What I am suggesting is that you associate your goal with a smell that will remind you of your goal.

Let's use some examples:

1. Use your favorite morning beverage ¨C coffee, tea, juice, etc, when you drink it stop for a moment & smell it while visualizing your goal.

Continue to do this until you automatically visualize your goal when you have that beverage.

2. Are you a person who likes to walk? When you walk take in the aromas of your surroundings ¨C the trees, the water, the flowers & again visualize your goals as you are doing this.

3. Take your written goals and spray them with your favorite perfume, body wash, power etc. Read them as you intake the fragrance.

Are you with me? Good . Now I realize some people may think this is silly or worse, that it is a waste of time.

Don't let the nay-sayers stop you from doing everything you can do to reach your goal.

Your mindset has to be that you will do what it takes to accomplish your goals.

You see once you start putting your goals at the forefront of your thoughts, your mind will show you possibilities that you never imagined before.

Please pay close attention at what I am going to share with You. Get some quiet time & study what you are about to receive.

It's that important.

Finished viewing the video? Good, get a snack & view it again. Remember-good things to be repeated.

Please think about what we discussed today, then put them into action.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


September 29, 2009

Using Your Sense of Sight To Reach Your Goal

Yesterday we discussed using your sense of smell as a tool to empower you and propel you towards your goal.

So how are you doing? We want to know Tell us you story

Your questions, your comments, your point of view may help someone else.

Today we move on to another of your senses ----- your visual sense.

This is another Biggie --- in other words, just like your sense of smell, your sense of sight is constantly bombarded with millions of images.

Your minds processes these images instantly and for the most part it tunes out many of the images you see.

Have you noticed how sometimes something will catch your eye (your attention)?

Your mind will stop to inform you that - "hey that looks familiar -- pay attention".

What you hope to accomplish with today's lesson is basically the same thing; you will condition your mind to focus on your goals when you see a certain image {you will empower yourself}.

By directing your focus towards your goals, you are empowering yourself because you are strengthening your motivation and desire to reach that goal.

You have to live and breathe you goals, they need to be real --see them, taste them, feel them happening.

Note You have a lot of choices as to how you can accomplish this, for instance you can associate your goals with

1.a color --- [for example, red, blue green, etc]

2.a large object --- [for example, a car, a bus, a train, a trolley, a boat, etc]

3.a small thing ---[for example, a book, a pen, a computer, a ring, etc]

Note - Note Please remember that your goal is to involve all your senses we are dealing with one sense at a time in our hopes to keep things simple.

So if you are using colors or small things to work with, you simply want to handle the item while you think about your goals.

Thus, you are creating an association between the item or color and your goals.

If you are creating an association with a large object you can either use a photo, or when you are on that train or bus purposely think about your goals [don't forget to involve all your senses.]

Now some people may complain that this is silly or that it is a lot of work.

Let's stop and think for a moment --- in order to acquire something of value, there has to be some sort of exchange, either money or time.

You are exchanging your time in order to insure you reach your goals.

Note --- You will not reach your goals by dreaming or wishing; you will reach your goal by learning to discipline yourself & your actions.

Opportunity is missed by most people because

It is dressed in overall and looks like work.

Quote by Thomas Edison

Good things need repeating -- please watch and listen again as Anthony makes his point on focus.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


Tell us you story Your questions, your comments, your point of view may help someone else.


September 30, 2009

Using Your Sense of Hearing To Reach Your Goal(s)

As you know good things need to be repeated,so we will continue to review topics we have previously covered.

Today we continue with our discussion of another on your major senses; using your sense of hearing to reach your goal(s).

Along with your sense of smell and vision, your sense of hearing is another biggie.

Your sense of hearing is constantly bombarded with all different types of sounds which it must interpret and categorize based on its importance to you.

In simple terms what happens is that your mind will automatically tune out most of the sounds you hear & focus only on those that it deems important to you.

OK now that all the technical stuff is out of the way, let's get to the how process of using your hearing to reach your goal(s).

And of course we are going to keep it simple as we move forward.

The how to part.

1. Do you have a favorite song or music you like to listen to? Good.

2. Play that song or music while you read & verbalize your goal(s).

3. Then I want you to incorporate your sense of smell into the mix.

4. Something else you can do is to record yourself reading or speaking about your goals.

Do you have a favorite motivational speaker?

5. Play his/her tapes and visualize your goals as you listen.

NOTE ¨C your ultimate goal is to use all of your senses together to propel you towards your goal(s).

That being said, you will practice associating each individual sense first, then practice using them together.

I repeat you want to keep your goals at the forefront of your mind - making them one of the most important issues in your daily life.

Let's face it ---- whatever you think most about, stands the best chance of getting done.

You can do this if you believe & you take action.

Continue to reinforce what we have been discussing over the last few days -- feed your mind good things (these are the building blocks which will empower you to achieve your goals).

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


So how are you doing? We want to know Tell your story

Your questions, your comments, your point of view may help someone else.


If you are determined to improve your circumstances, than I strongly recommend that you go back and read all of our pass blogs.

They contain a wealth of information on how to empower yourself.They explain in very simple terms how you can start, right now to improve and take empowering steps in your life.

We explain the empowering steps you need to take to reach your goals.

We also explain how to stay motivated, and how to best prepare yourself for this life changing journey.

To become empowered means that you make a decision that you want control of your life, and that you take responsibility for your actions.

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