Empowering Blog Archives October 15-21, 2009

Here you will find your daily dose of no nonsense advice in our Empowering Blog Archives.

So if you missed any of our daily postings ---- this is the place to find them-starting with October 15-21, 2009.

Don't forget that included in our July daily Blogs is our original 5 Step Action Plan on how to achieve your goals.

We hope to keep you inspired & motivated as we give you a cupful of reality with our empowering blog archives. We offer straight forward - down - to - earth - no - nonsense, easy to follow advice.

In addition, we recommend books & other materials which we believe will help you stay empowered --- and will help you to reach your goals.

As usual, our empowering blogs aim to keep things simple, so that you can implement these empowering steps very quickly.

Just remember that besides reading these empowering blogs, you need to take action to reach your goal.

We also seek to keep you inform on important topics that affect you & your family.

As always, this Blog is about you --- so remember to keep your feedback, questions, and suggested topics coming in, this way everyone benefits.

Use our handy Tell your story form

I recommend that you read all the blogs starting with July. You will find that they build on each other and continue to reinforce the important concepts you need to remember.

Our empowering blogs review and repeat key steps that you need to take in order to reach your goal.

We believe that these import concepts need to become "second nature" or habits so that you don't even have to think about them as you implement them.



Step # 4 Of The 5 Step Action Plan

October 15, 2009

Today we continue with our discussion on the 5 Step Action Plan. A plan to change your life.

So far we have outlined 3 steps that you need to take on your journey to change.

Let’s recap:

Step #1 Commit to change.

Step # 2. Sit down and write what your new goals are. Write down what you will gain & the benefits of your decision.

Step # 3—Set a (reasonable) time-line for your goals.

We need to stop here for a moment to insure that the foundation on which you are building your change is strong.

Step #4 You are going to fine-tune your goals {road-map}. Today I want you to sit in a quiet place and look at what you have written down.

Side-note—{I find that the local library is a great place to go when you need to think & take notes—you are alone & yet you’re not.}

Do the goals you have listed make sense to you?

In other words are they realistic to you and do they motivate you?—you need to keep it real..

Things to look for:

Are your goals specific? example: saying I want to be rich, or I want to own a car etc.

These are generalized statements -- not specific enough.

Can progress be measured? example: (time-line needed) By June of 2010 I will have lost 20 pounds...etc. ---

your time-line also helps you to break down you main goal into smaller sub-goals.

As you reach each sub-goal, it brings you closer to your main goal.

What changes need to be made to keep you on track? very important you will usually have to change some of your old habits in order to reach your new goals--

List the changes, these is turn become sub-goals that you need to accomplish in order to reach your main goal.

They also provide a track record of your accomplishments, which keeps you motivated.

Side-note –{making changes & sticking to them is sometimes difficult}—keep your mind focused on those things that inspire & empower you.

The library is a great place to find books on people who have made great changes in their life.

Take a book out--carry it with you—read it during lunch or on your way to & from work.

Writing down goals and saying I am going to change is not enough ----- you must make the necessary changes {break old habits} in order to reach your goals.

And you will have to be prepared { as you continue your journey} to make minor adjustments.

Now that you have your road-map intact it’s time to continue on your journey.

A thousand mile journey start with that first step---just keep walking.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big



October 16, 2009

More On Step # 4 Of The 5 Step Action Plan

Today we continue with our discussion on the 5 Step Action Plan. A plan to change your life.

So far we have outlined 4 steps that you need to take on your journey to change. Let’s recap:

Step #1 Commit to change.

Step # 2. Sit down and write what your new goals are. Write down what you will gain & the benefits of your decision.

Step # 3—Set a (reasonable) time-line for your goals.

Step #4 Sit in a quiet place and look at what you have written down. You are going to fine-tune your road-map.

Make sure goals & time line are realistic----- and that you Make The Necessary Changes

Yesterday (in Step # 4)we talked about fine tuning your written goals. We said that the goals have to be:

1. Specific

2. Measurable

3. And changes need to be made.

Today we will talk a little more on item #3(and changes need to be made ) of Step #4.

Let's talk aboutthe personal changes -you have to make in order to continue your journey.

For many people this is one of the hardest steps to take. Why?Please note that for most people life is very routine.

In other words, they usually do the same thing almost every day. Very often these routines have become habits---things you do & not even think about.

{Remember –if you keep doing what you were doing before—you will keep getting the same results}

So take inventory

1. Who do you spend time with?

2. Where do you spend your time?

3. How do you spend your time?

4. What do you feed your mind? {we will discuss this item is greater detail tomorrow}

You can add to the list as you see fit…..The point is you need to be brutally honest on how these factors are impacting your journey (the decisions you make).

Are they empowering you -or- are they holding you back?

Keep it if it helps you—get rid of it or change it if it holds you back.

Are the people you spend your time with encouraging you or are they negative influences?

Where do you spend your free time? Are you at a bar, gambling, talking nonsense with friends?

Are you using your time to learn, practice, motivate yourself? Or are you wasting it on non-productive activities?

This is just a small list of things you need to consider as you prepare yourself for your journey.

Why do I keep referring to this as a journey? Because reaching your goal takes time, preparation, determination and endurance.

You have to be ready to deal with changes and the unexpected. In most cases if you are not properly prepared, you won't make it.

So -- Make a decision and move on.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


October 17, 2009

Something To Think About

Welcome back,

We continue with our discussion on the 5 Step Action Plan. A plan to change your life.

Today we continued our discussion about Step #4 {making the personal changes necessary to move forward}

Yesterday we discussed the first three parts to this Step.

We spoke about:

1. Who do you spend time with?

2. Where do you spend your time?

3. How do you spend your time?

Today we’ll talk about the last part---What you are feeding your mind.

NOTE—--if you fill your body with junk---food—--you end up with an unhealthy body---the same rule applies to your mind.

Break the habit of feeding junk {negative thoughts} to your mind—--no matter where they are coming from.


This is extremely important if not the most important point, You have to start nourishing your mind with empowering thoughts.

***Focus on where you need to go (your goals)***


Listen again to Tony as he explains about focus.


You need to flush out all the negative---self---defeating—-- why me---thoughts---and now focus on---

How you will reach your goals & the benefits you will receive


You see if you go through all the steps and yet still tell yourself

you can’t---------you won’t---it’s as simple as that. Don’t make excuses—--that’s the old you.

There is no way to sugar---coat this point. YOU must follow through on this step.

Here are some suggestions, [that have helped me]---to help you quiet & empower your mind.


Use the library, skip the morning news, skip the newspaper, {why, because most of the news are negative}

look at your goals every morning,

look in the mirror make sure there is a smile on your face (practice),

listen to empowering tapes or a good radio station--- carry an empowering quote or an empowering book with you.


This is not a race----but a journey----one step after the other gets you there.

No it is not easy---but we’re keeping this real--- ---there needs to be a balance----when you head in a new direction---

---often you have to leave the old baggage behind and this includes your old way of thinking.

You can do this---You started--- you deserve it.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big




October 18, 2009

Your Road To Success Continues

Welcome back,

We have spent the last few days discussing the 5 Step Action Plan. A plan to change your life.

In particular, we have emphasized the importance of following through on making the necessary personal changes in order to reach your new goals.

So let me summarize what we have covered in the last few days:Step #1 Commit to change.

Step # 2. Sit down and write what your new goals are. Write down what you will gain & the benefits of your decision.

Step # 3—Set a (reasonable) time-line for you goals.

Step #4 Sit in a quiet place and look at what you have written down. You are going to fine-tune your road-map.

Make sure goals & time line are realistic----- and that you Make The Necessary Changes.

Today we get to the all-important final step in our Action Plan.

Note Remember that this plan is about you. It is your actions, use of your time, focus, and habits that need to change.

Ok let's move on ----- the final step is:

Step #5 Keep going-- Insuring to replace all the previously negative habits with new empowering habits.


NOTE— A short list of things you may need to change

1. Friends {are they a positive or negative influence?}

2. Leisure time activities {tv shows-radio shows-reading material-phone time, internet time, bar time, etc

3. Foods you eat- {healthy or not?}

4. What you keep your mind focused on—{does it empower you or not?}

Take an inventory of other factors that influence you, decide if they empower you or they hold you back.

If they hold you back ----- then change them or get rid of them.

***Hope you have notice that I have purposely called these steps to be taken***

which means that they may or may not happen in a day or a week.

Each one of you will march to a different drummer—BUT---if you continue to make changes and continue to take steps towards your goals—

You will get there.

As you take one small step after another you will build courage & confidence in your abilities.

Other people just like you have been able to change their lives by committing to change---------------so can you.

Remember to guard your thoughts some people will try to take you back to where you were.

They will try to discourage you from heading towards your goals, you must decide how you will deal with them.

Some may be "old friends" or relatives. So prepare yourself by staying motivated.

I’ll see you tomorrow will more words of encouragement—

Until then, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


October 19, 2009

Change Yourself, And You Change Your Future

Welcome back,

For the past week we have discussed the 5 Steps Action Plan to success.

The 5 steps are simple & easy to follow.

We said that some of you would be thrilled to implement them right away, while others would take a little longer.

The IMPORTANT thing is to--start-----procrastination is your enemy!

Note You have the power to change your future, but YOU must take action As you take action, you continue to empower yourself.

Below is a quote for the week.

Print it. Keep it with you or post it where you can see it daily.

It’s all about you---empower yourself


You must take personal responsibility.

You cannot change the circumstances,

the seasons, or the wind,

but you can change yourself.

That is something you have charge of.

You don't have charge of the constellations,

but you do have charge of whether you read,

develop new skills, and take new classes.

{Quote by Jim Rohn}


Remember that it is you who decides the direction your life will take based on what your goal is

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


Note--if you missed any of the postings--just scroll down the page for the 5 steps...


October 20, 2009

Take Personal Responsibility, Grab Your power

Welcome back,

Taking personal responsibility empowers you. --Why?

Because, it puts the decision making process in your hands. YOU decide how to best handle the situation you are in.

Note{Remember that if you are blaming someone else—then you want them to change—but you can’t control whether someone else changes or not.}

But you can change how you respond to any situation. Remember that this is all about You.

Learning to Dance In The Rain Movie

Sometimes you have to take a step or two back and review your situation.

Get a bigger view of what is going on, this allows you to make a better rational (not emotional) decision.

OK--so now you have the power------what do you do?

You decide what you personally need to change. You control how it will change. (this is part of the empowerment process)

You decide how quickly it will change.

You are in control.

By you deciding--you control your journey--your future, you empower yourself.

Become comfortable exercising your personal power. {remember that empowering yourself means -deciding on a course and taking action.}

I'll see you tomorrow--until then--keep walking.

Dare To Dream Big


October 21, 2009

Believe You Can & You Will

Welcome back,

It’s a beautiful day here in Central Florida. I plan on enjoying it.

What about you?

How do you see your day? Any day can be beautiful --- --if you choose to BELIEVE & see it that way.

And this principle applies to everything in life.

Look for the beauty in life-----Focus on things that are good--- --Fill your mind with thankfulness. All these things work together to keep you motivated and heading towards your goals.

Note negative energy is counter-productive to what you want to achieve.

Do not let your mind linger on anything negative.

NOTE ---Our focus will determine our “state of being”—in other words –how we feel.

AND—how we feel will determine how we see our day.

Choose to fill your mind with positive, empowering thoughts.We spent a lot of time discussing –personal chances that each person has to make in order to move forward.

You have to change your old way of thinking—Start To Believe

When You Believe

So use a good positive video, a good positive book, a good positive song, anything that fills you with positive empowering energy --- that is how you stay motivated and on the road towards your goals.

Remember that once in a while you will have obstacles on your journey, sometimes you will fall down -- pick yourself up and keep going -- learns from your trials.

Until tomorrow—keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


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