Empowering Blog Archives October 8-14, 2009

Here you will find your daily dose of no nonsense advice in our October empowering Blog Archives.

We offer straight forward - down - to - earth - no - nonsense, easy to follow advice.


It is hard to fail;

but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

quote by Theodore Roosevelt


So if you missed any of our inspiring daily postings ---- this is the place to find them-starting with October 8, 2009.

We hope to keep you empowered as we give you a cupful of encouragement with our daily Blog.


If you'll not settle for anything less than your best,

you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your life.

quote by Vince Lombardi


As usual, our Blogs aim to keep things simple, so that you can implement these empowering steps very quickly.

We also seek to keep you inform on important topics that affect you & your family.

As always, this Blog is about you --- so remember to keep your feedback, questions, and suggested topics coming in, this way everyone benefits.

Empower yourself by empowering others.

October 8, 2009

Who is your role model?

Stop for a moment and look around, who do you spent your time with? Are the people you spend your time with encouraging and empowering you?

Are they supporting your goals? Do they give you positive feedback?

Or do they tell you to stop dreaming? Do they tell you that you can't because-(add reasons why you can't)

Don't get discouraged.

Some people simply cannot understand what it means to set high goals. They have been raised to believe that they can't do certain things, and that is the belief that they pass on to others.

There are other people who do not want you to succeed because they are jealous. Just remember that all people who succeed, have to overcome obstacles to reach their goals.

If it is possible, try to stay away from people who are negative, and who try to discourage you. If they are close relatives who live with you, than try sharing with them what you have learned.

But no matter whether they agree with you or not, keep walking towards your goals. Make sure that your determination is greater than their doubts (this is part of the empowerment process).


Keep away form people who try to belittle your ambitions.

Small people always do that.

But the really great--make you feel that you too can become great.

quote by Mark Twain


Over Come Your Fears


Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams.

Think not about your frustrations,

but about your unfulfilled potential.

Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in,

but with what it is still possible for you to do.

quote by Pope John XX111


Don't let life's setbacks keep you down.

Focus on what is possible, not on the setbacks. Setbacks will be the building blocks (experience) on which you will build your success.

Remember to continue to fill your mind with positive things, read empowering books, talk with positive people, listen to motivating music --

keep your mind filled with the success of others that have come before you.

Prepare yourself so that when an opportunity presents itself --- you are ready to take it.

I want you to find a quiet spot and write down your goals.

Make a list and write. Once your list is done you will come back to it and fine tune the goals. How?

You will be breaking the goals down into smaller sub-goals (steps) that you will take to reach your main goals.

The important thing right now is to start.

Next week starting on Monday, we will be reviewing our 5 Step Program that shows you step by step how to reach your goals.

Change happens when you decide to make it happen by taking action.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


LifeLock Identity Theft Protection


October 9, 2009


Yes, open your mind to the many possibilities. Everything on this earth that has been created by man started with an idea.

That idea (dream) became reality when the person decided to take action.

That is precisely the message that I hope you will get from this blog.


Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something

stand in the way of you doing it.

quote by (Earl Nightingale)


Earl had it right. Often time we are our own worst enemy. Why?

Because we make a list in our mind as to why we can’t do something.

1. Don’t have the time.

2. Don’t have the money.

3. Don’t know how.

4. I’m too old.

5. I’m afraid of failure

6. I’ll never change.

7. etc..etc..etc..

And the list goes on. So how do you start?

Change your focus- look at the possibilities---focus on what you do want---chart a course to get there.

Yes you do need a map if you don’t know where you are going. That road map is here. Start by filling your mind with positive thoughts.

Note Next week starting on Monday, we will be reviewing our 5 Step Program that shows you step by step how to reach your goals.

For those of you who are new to this blog, we will review each step in the process to self-improvement.

We will discuss the step by step process you need to put in place to successfully reach your goals.

Empower yourself with the wisdom of people who have been through tough times.

Stop-Look & Listen. Get excited, prepare yourself for the journey.

And please remember to smile as you start your journey.

Get excited.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


October 10, 2009

Take time to laugh and reenergize yourself

The ability to laugh is a great source of empowerment. When life gets hectic---take time out and laugh


Short-takes from Rodney Dangerfield

I went to see my doctor. Doctor, every morning when I get up and look in the mirror...

I feel like throwing up; what’s wrong with me?

He said... I don't know but your eyesight is perfect.


My psychiatrist told me I'm going crazy. I told him ....

If you don't mind I'd like a second opinion.

He said .... Alright.... you're ugly too!


Hope that you have a smile on your face. If not, then put one there.

Let’s get in the habit of smiling.

When someone asks you why you’re smiling --- tell them — because I’m changing my life.

Then go on and talk about all the positive, empowering changes taking place in your life.

Spend the weekend getting mentally prepared for your life changing journey.

On Monday we start discussing the 5 Step Method to reach your goals.

Relax, Smile Get Excited --Your future awaits-You get to decide where life will take you.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big




October 11, 2009

Over Come Your Fears, Get Ready To Change

Tired of the results you are getting? Then get ready to take action and change your life {empower yourself}.


Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams.

Think not about your frustrations,

but about your unfulfilled potential.

Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in,

but with what it is still possible for you to do.

quote by Pope John XX111


Don't let life's setbacks keep you down. Focus on what is possible, not on the setbacks.

Setbacks will be the building blocks (experience) on which you will build your success.

Get ready for tomorrow. How? By identifying what needs to change--YOU.

It's All About You

If you want to change the results you are getting---than you have to change what you are doing. This is an important part of the empowering process.

1. Sitting and complaining won't do it. :(

2. Blaming others won't do it. :(

3. Getting angry, screaming & cursing won't do it. :(

4. Ignoring it won't do it. :(

The key word here is you --------you want different results---you have to change.

OK now that we have that straight---

you need to make a commitment to change. You see as long as you blame some external force (or factor) for your situation, you are not in control.

You need to turn your attention to yourself because that is the only way that you will get different results.

Stop & thinkfor a moment. Do the same things keep happening to you? Do you find yourself in very similar situations (financially, personal relationships, job situations, family relationships?) over and over again?

In other words, you keep getting the same results. So let me repeat:

If you want to change the results you are getting---than you have to change what you are doing.

Once you come to this realization, that you can change your future by changing yourself --- you are on your way to a better life (an empowered life).

How do I do this is, how do I empower myself?---------is the question you need answered.

Start by reading the blogs for October 4-10, 2009.

Then starting tomorrow, Monday October 11, 2009, we will be reviewing the 5 Step Process for reaching your goals.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big



October 12, 2009

Your Journey To Success Starts With Commitment

Today we go back to the very beginning of this blog and we will discuss how to begin your journey to success by following the 5 Step Action Plan.

I want to remind our new readers that we try very hard to keep our process as simple as possible.

Also remember that in the 5 Step Action Plan we break down each step and explain what you need to do to accomplish that step.

Ok, here we go Step #1 You must commit to change.

The key word here is you -------- you want different results --- you have to change.

Are you feeling nervous about committing to change? Afraid that you won't be able to stay committed?

Wondering how you will be able to accomplish this on your own?

You tried to change before, and failed? Your dream seems so far away -- so out of reach?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are not alone.

Note -- These negative thoughts are called limiting beliefs because they put a limit on what you think you can accomplish.

They put a fear of failure in your mind.

Here is what you need to do to overcome your fears and empower yourself.

The only way to overcome fear is by taking action.

If you allow fear to dominate your life; then you lose.

Notice that it is you who decides.


Life does not consist in thinking,

it consists in acting.

quote by Woodrow Wilson, 1912


How do you act so you can move forward?

Replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts

Instead of thinking why you can't do something, think instead of the benefits you will get by changing.

Ask yourself what do I need to do to change? {This is another important part of the empowering process}

Your mind will supply the answer ----- and that answer will always include some step or steps (action) that you need to take.

That is what living is all about—taking action, doing, moving, going, heading towards your dream.

Your dream will always remain a dream unless you {take action} to fulfill it.

You have thought about it long enough, now break the bonds that are holding you back ---and act!

It is like walking—once you get up—the steps follow. BUT YOU HAVE TO GET UP.

Decide today that you will change, then start the process by changing what you think it is possible to do.

Note It will take practice, and vigilance to say committed. The old fears will try to creep back into your mind.

The minute you start thinking about your old fears,stop.

Take action and replace the fear with positive thoughts.

Relax, things will get easier as you start to understand what it takes to complete this journey.

Fear of the unknown stops many people from ever leaving their comfort zone and taking the necessary steps to move forward.

Now that you know how to overcome your fears, take one step after another and you will reach your destination (your goal).(this is another part of the empowerment process--keep doing)

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream



October 13, 2009

Your Journey To Success Continues

Yesterday we talked about Step #1 making a commitment to change.

That was your first step towards changing your future.--- OK-- now what?

Step # 2. Sit down and write what your new goals are. Write down what you will gain & the benefits of your decision.

Write down as much detail as possible about your new goal. Do the same thing with the benefits you will receive.

This will reinforce the decision you have made. It will also be a daily reminder of why you are moving in a different direction.

You have to chart your course ---- You have to plan your moves ----- You have to have goals to head towards.

Note Do you see how things start to fall into place?

You will be focusing on your present & future—

Don’t forget your daily dose of empowerment—a quote—a song—a joke—

Something that reminds you that you are on a different road now—heading in a new direction.


You must take personal responsibility.

You cannot change the circumstances,

the seasons, or the wind,

but you can change yourself.

That is something you have charge of.

You don't have charge of the constellations,

but you do have charge of whether you read,

develop new skills, and take new classes.

quote by Jim Rohn


Taking small steps will help you to build up your confidence & will empower you.

It’s all about you --- believe that you can do this -- and -- you will.

Until tomorrow, keep walking

Dare To Dream Big


xxOctober 14, 2009

Step # 3 Of The 5 Step Action Plan

Over the last two days we discussed the first two steps of the 5 Step Action Plan to change your life; let's review.

Step #1 Commit to change.

Step # 2. Sit down and write what your new goals are. Write down what you will gain & the benefits of your decision.(This is part of the empowering process)

But before we move on, there is a very important point I need to make.

The road you are on will not always be a straight road.

—There will be obstacles—roadblocks---bumps & detours on your road to change.

The important thing to remember is that you have a road map (you wrote down your new goals, and the benefits) to get you there.

So---when you hit a bump{a problem, a set-back, a delay}—keep going—follow your map –get back on track.

I came across a great empowering quote last night that sums up this point very well.


If you are going thru hell---

Keep going.

By Winston Churchill


Today we move on to the third step.

Step # 3—Set a (reasonable) time-line for you goals.

Why a time-line? So you can measure your progress & make adjustments.

A time-line tells you when you expect to reach your goal. Therefore, you will know where you are, and how far you have to go on your journey.

Note Do not over-think the completion date, just pick a reasonable date. As we continue our discussions, I will explain how to adjust (fine tune) your decisions.

We will also go into more details on the steps you need to take to stay on course (to stay motivated and empowered).

Continue to prepare & empower yourself for this journey by reading motivational book, listening to empowering, motivational songs, and keeping company with other motivated people.

Tomorrow I will discuss a little more on how to deal with some of the obstacles you will encounter on your journey.

Until tomorrow, keep walking-

Dare To Dream Big

See you tomorrow.


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